Thursday, December 26, 2013

Makeshift Christmas Card

When I decided that I wasn't going to make a family Christmas card this year, I thought, "I will write a blog post instead" -- thinking that would satisfy the 1 person (maybe 2) that still check on this poor blog. Well, I didn't get to it. And didn't get to it.
But am now.
I know, y'all were holding your breath.

Anyway, the last 6 months have been busy. Not rush-around, can't-see-anything busy, but mostly more a steady thump with all of the little free time going toward either the FarM, Family, and/or hanging out (generally including both the FarM and Family). And I have been totally ok with that. At peace even. Because I'll be honest, this year has been a whirlwind that, Praise God, we have made it through. But I am craving peace and rest.

But anyway, I don't want to make a long list of things that we have done in the 6 months since I have posted. But here are a few of my current favorite things:

We are loving the snow. I think the animals would probably disagree, but the kids have So. Much. Fun. playing around in it. Mmmm....and I could sit outside at night for hours watching the snow, hanging out with the animals. The sunrises have been sensational. Just pure love.

God bless :)


Anonymous said...

I still check this! :)
Amy S

prov31mom said...

I still make it a point to check in on you every now and then. Loved spending time catching up with you in late summer! Beautiful pic of the fam!